Pause on those Purchases

By Samssa Ali

Summer sale season has officially kicked off! The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale and Amazon Prime Day are in full swing. And if your social media feeds are anything like mine, you’re probably inundated with links for the latest fashion trends, cool gadgets, or images of that kitchen appliance that you totally need. To add to all the mania there are thousands of Buzzfeed listsicles, insta influencers’ links, and must-have lightning deals that make you feel you NEED to partake in these annual (or semi-annual) sales. Similar to Thanksgiving or Christmas, sales have also become a season unto themselves with countdowns and everything. So, how do you stay sane in the midst of it all? 

  • First, it's important to remember JUST BECAUSE IT'S ON SALE DOESN'T MEAN YOU NEED IT or as I like to call it JBIOSDMUNI (pronounced Jh-ABBY-oz-DA-mooni).  Consumer society makes us think and feel that we MUST HAVE the latest trend and when you see it on sale, it’s the perfect excuse. So before hitting “place your order” ask yourself, “Do I need it?”

  • Second, avoid buying junk you simply do not need and consider only purchasing things that you were planning to buy full price. 

  • Third, do you have the real estate to store the latest gadget? As someone who aspires to have a decluttered kitchen counter, I have to be intentional about my kitchen appliance and décor purchases. My rule of thumb is if it doesn’t fit inside my kitchen cabinets and I don’t intend to use it at least twice a month, I don’t need it. 

  • Fourth, unfollow fashion influencers (or anyone who makes you feel like what you have isn’t enough).

  • Fifth, institute a minimum three-day waiting period on all purchases, and in the meantime, see if you can borrow or buy it second hand. Check out your local Buy Nothing Group, Facebook Marketplace, or apps like OfferUp to see if you can get a slightly used product instead. If you must purchase on Amazon, consider selecting Eco.Logic as your charity of choice. Link us as your charity here: 


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