Camp Eco.logic

Camp Eco.Logic provides opportunities for youth, ranging from middle school students to university students looking to increase their environmental knowledge and leadership. Campers make friends with others who share a love for the planet and will interact with environmental leaders working on solutions. Participants will leave Camp Eco.Logic feeling empowered to take action!

Over 8 weeks, participants explored climate change through a variety of lenses, including worst-case and best-case scenarios, non-human perspectives, and more. Through engaging discussions and exercises, we tapped into our collective imaginations to envision a better future for our planet.

As a culmination of this program, we produced an anthology that showcases some of the participants' creative writing pieces.

View the anthology here.

Storytelling & Climate Fiction Workshop

We recently conducted a workshop in partnership with In100Years to run a unique program for students at the Asian University of Women in Bangladesh.

Our Storytelling and Climate Fiction workshop aimed to foster creativity and build awareness about climate change.

climate parables cover page

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Camp Eco.Logic Highlight Video

In Spring 2021, we held our first virtual Camp Eco.Logic. Check out our highlights and what campers and counselors said about the program! We hope you’ll join the next one.

Have the opportunity to speak with inspiring professionals who dedicate their time to climate science, environmental justice, advocacy, and climate communications! Learn more.

Meet Environmental Leaders

Collaborate with others who also have a passion for the environment and want to create a better future.

Meet Like-Minded Students

Get a better understanding of the science behind climate change and the human face of climate change.

Learn Why

Discover ways to be a better and effective environmental advocate in your everyday life.

Learn How

Participants will receive a digital badge at the completion of the camp that can be included on resumes and/or LinkedIn profiles.

Gain Recognition

We are running out of time to address the climate crisis and yet, climate change is still not a part of many states’ educational curriculum. When it is taught, schools often only dedicate an average 1.5 hours per year to the topic. This is inadequate for the scale of the challenge.

This is our moment.

Camp Eco.logic Media Partners

Camp Eco.logic is supported by

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

Camp Eco.Logic Sponsorship Packages:

Eco.Advocate - $525

Eco. Advocates receive logo recognition on our website, and 3 social media mentions.

Eco.Warrior - $1000

Eco.Warriors receive logo recognition on our website, 6 social media mentions, a shout out in our newsletter, and a mention at our camp.

Eco.Champion - $1400

Eco. Champions receive logo recognition on our website, 9 social media mentions, a shout out in our newsletter, a mention at our camp, and the invitation to address participants (if applicable).

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