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Climate Ride - Northern California

Climate Ride - May 16 - 18, 2025, Northern California

Climate Ride is a weekend cycling celebration in Northern California taking place May 16-18, 2025. For the third year in a row, Eco.Logic is forming a team and this year, and our second time partnering with the Clean Energy Leadership Institute (CELI), a nonprofit that is building a multiracial, diverse, and inclusive community of changemakers working across sectors and disciplines to lead an equitable, decarbonized, and resilient energy ecosystem. Together, we have formed a team called the Eco.Cyclers. We have space on our team so if you or someone you know is in California, use this link to share and join the adventure! 

To join our team:

Unable to join the team, but want to donate? Click the button here, select a rider, and donate to their fundraising page:

Getting to ride with the Eco.Logic team as a part of the ride for climate justice was one of the highlights of my year. It was motivating to be a part of a team & community that was moving the needle towards change - it felt like a step in the right direction and the chance to make a difference with wonderful people! I left the ride invigorated & more dedicated to bringing action to my community.
— Emily, Eco.Cycler 2023
March 2

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