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Faith & the Climate Crisis

Faith & the Climate Crisis Panel Discussion

Thursday, March 10 | 7:00pm - 8:30pm PT / 10:00pm - 11:30pm ET | Zoom

The Climate Crisis is becoming ever more visible in our world as we experience unprecedented weather events and intensifying natural disasters. Our awareness of it is heightened through reports of increasing numbers of children experiencing PTSD and chronic depression in the face of this impending disaster. Star of the Sea Centre for Spiritual Living and Practice is offering a Zoom event focused on how faith can respond and/or be helpful in the face of this.

The panel of guests represents four major world religions. Each will present their unique points of view and responses to the queries we are pondering. The guests are Christine Mauro (Vipassana Buddhist, Salt Spring Island), Rabbi Harry Brechner (Congregation Emanu-El, Victoria), Rozina Kanchwala an Ismaili leader from Illinois, and Bishop Anna Greenwood-Lee (Anglican Diocese of BC).

We warmly invite you to join us and share your understanding, thoughts and concerns.

Please register to receive the Zoom link by emailing:

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